January 6, 2015

Console2 in context menu

Console2 - Description from the site, "Console is a Windows console window enhancement. Console features include: multiple tabs, text editor-like text selection, different background types, alpha and color-key transparency, configurable font, different window styles":


It's a Windows console enhancement utility -- multi-tab, that can mix with anything really, such as cygwin, power shell, DOS command console.  And the console window is resizable, customizable.  Very handy. 

I recently faced a couple of its short comings, however:

  1. It can't find "telnet" for example.  It's because it's a 32-bit program. (see detailed explanation here.)
  2. There is no "open here" in explorer context menu.

Solution for #2 is to get this version from here.  It adds the context menu like this:


To migrate the existing console () setting to this version (installer version), copy "console.xml" to this directory:


which is,


This console2 branch does add the context menu, but it won't solve the issue #1 described above.  It does find telnet, but it crashes if I just run "telnet" without any parameters.  And, it adds more than one context menu for Console.

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